Interested in joining our team team?Fill out the application below and we’ll be in touch! Application Coffeesmith Application Name * First Name Last Name Date MM DD YYYY Email * Phone (###) ### #### What pronouns do you prefer? Date of birth * Desired start day * Desired hours * Desired wage * Have you worked in the coffee industry before? * Yes NO If yes, where and for how long? Are you a student? * Yes No If yes, where? Availability * Which days are you able to work? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Availability * Please tell us what times you are available to work for each day checked above. Instagram Handle * Facebook Handle Reference #1 * Please tell us where you've worked, how long you worked there (From when to when) and your managers name and contact info Reference #2 Please tell us where you've worked, how long you worked there (From when to when) and your managers name and contact info Reference #3 Please tell us where you've worked, how long you worked there (From when to when) and your managers name and contact info Thank you, we will be in touch!